A Little About Author Nicola Jack

Nicola Jack, author of the children’s book Jack, Muffin & Basingstoke Bear – “Getting to Know Joe,” found solace and healing in writing after the loss of her son, Jack. Each story in the new series is dedicated to the memory of her son Jack and his fun-loving spirit that continues to inspire her.
Nicola combines her personal memories and adventures with fantasy and imagination throughout her writing. She believes that creativity is limitless and has the power to transform grief into something positive.
By sharing her experiences and imagination in her stories, she hopes not only to bring joy to her readers, but also to awaken their own creativity, igniting within them a passion that will burn bright enough to last their whole lives, not just their childhood.
Jack, Muffin & Basingstoke Bear – “Getting to Know Joe” is just the beginning of Nicola’s journey to bring joy and inspiration to children of all ages through her storytelling.